If you do enough simple maths you could put a number on how many dollars she costs you in opportunity cost alone. Since its made by women, I'd be surprised if this turns out to be anything more than commentary on their own rapidly diminishing self-worth. They're fleeting, just like their made up names.
They got into it because we wanted them, and they'll also get out the second we don't want them anymore. We were willing to dangle it over their heads and say 'look how much you'll make if you just drop your panties and pretend to moan as you're blacked'. They're in porn because we wanted them there. And who actually cares about a woman's vagina? Men. They are defined by their sex, by their vagina and uterus. Many of those porn stars are actually quite well educated and could talk for hours about deep subjects yet millions of people fail to give a fuck. Let's be real now nobody ever gave a shit about them as 'persons' or whatever funny bullshit word they use now.